About Us

Hi, I am Gautam Doddamani and I write 'GAUTAMs BLOG'. I am currently pursuing my BE studies in the field of Computer Science. I started Blogging in 2009 and have written guest articles for many Technology Blogs. I started GAUTAMs BLOG to share my knowledge with our readers about the latest gadgets and products being launched around the world (mostly computer stuff).

This is a TECH Blog and covers a wide variety of topics like Technology, Mobiles, Gadgets, Internet, Social Networking, Product Reviews, How To articles, etc.
GAUTAMs Blog was founded in 2010. With your valued help and suggestions we could really improve this blog and its content.

As a reader of this BLOG you are a very important part of us and dont forget to ask any questions.
To contact GAUTAM email him at gautamad.dodd@gmail.com.
Enjoy BLOGGING and have fun reading.