Thursday, March 10, 2011

Firefox 4 RC1 released!

Firefox 4, the world's most famous open source browser has released its first 'Release Candidate'. This update was released just yesterday, the 9th of March. Firefox has made a lot of improvements in this release. The most attracting feature being the completely redesigned interface.

Many of them think it is a unique look, but i personally think that most of the styles have been taken from the well known browsers IE and Opera.
Mainly the skin is copied from IE, like the white look of the browser and the tabs are a bit similar to IE9. The little close buttons are of IE look too.The orange menu button at the top left corner labelled as 'FIREFOX' is similar to an Opera button. Opera has the same button on its browser saying 'MENU' on it! The refresh button in the address bar is also IE9 inspired. 'New Tab' button in Firefox is completely the button as seen in Opera's Standard skin. Also the 'Organize tabs' feature in the new Firefox is also drawn from Opera's style. The addons that you want to install or personalize are also located as a sidebar to the left, yes just like in the Opera. The address bar and google search box are also the same as seen in Opera. I think Firefox has not done a great job in reinventing the interface, i am not criticising the browser, but suggesting the developers, that the look could have been a little more distinctive and unique.

As its a Release Candidate all the major bugs have been fixed and its ready to release the final version in a few days. The major drastic improvement that Firefox has brought in its new browser (the feature that i am so happy about) is the hardware accelearation. Many of the browsers load the CPU to process the videos and graphical scripts on the internet but Firefox makes it easy to tap into your system's Graphics Processing Unit(GPU) or Graphics Card to render the graphics, taking a huge amount of workload off the CPU.

So what are you waiting for, head to the download site and install the new Firefox to enjoy a more faster and efficient work environment. Please click here to download the latest version of Firefox.
NOTE: Please update your old addons, as the new Firefox has some compatibility issues with outdated addons!!!


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